Combat Mission: Professional Edition is a 'detailed and realistic 1:1 tactical simulator' that enables a multitude of ground warfare scenarios from Platoon to Battalion level, featuring accurately represented forces from a range of nations. Within Fight Club, ‘CM:Pro’ is a highly valued software tool for training, development, and research.
The most remarkable, and powerful, aspect of this software is the realism with which both individual assets (from bullets to IFVs) and their interactions are modelled and simulated, both in terms of their physics and ‘soft factors’ such as morale and situational awareness. This creates a reliably realistic environment in which a huge variety of engagements can be reliably created and examined.
CM:Pro is used by the US Army for training purposes, and -in the UK – the Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL), for research and development programs. Within Fight Club, our primary use of CM:Pro is for our ‘Campaigns of Learning’: a series of multi-part educational scenarios based on real-world conflicts.
Fight Club benefits from an allocation of Combat Mission Professional Edition licenses, generously donated by our corporate supporter Matrix Pro Sims. Fight Club members may apply for a year-long license in order to participate in CM:Pro-based training and development exercises by clicking this link.

The Combat Mission Series also boasts a range of popular commercial titles, simulating specific conflicts from the last 80+ years. Titles set in the modern era, CM: Black Sea & CM: Shock Force, take place in a fictionalised 2017 Russia-Ukraine war and a NATO invasion of Syria, respectively. These are also popular within Fight Club, an example being our weekly event ‘CM: Black Sea Sunday’.

Fight Club Campaigns of Learning
To-date, Fight Club has produced 5 custom Combat Mission Campaigns of Learning; some of our most popular professional development events. These campaigns take place over a series of scenarios, each designed to test and develop both tactical decision making and operational planning.
These missions are a fantastic opportunity to experiment with new approaches in an enthusiastic, supportive environment, with plenty of other players keen to bounce ideas around and provide constructive feedback. They can also serve as a great introduction to using CM:Pro as a central software tool in you own professional development exercises.

Professional Military Use
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (UK)
Combat Mission Professional Edition is used by DSTL to test new ground warfare concepts, training doctrine, and develop decision-making skills for the benefit of the UK's armed forces. Matrix Pro Sims actively supports DSTL in the usage and development of CM:Pro.

Learn More About Combat Mission

The main product page for Combat Mission Professional Edition, with further information and system specs, can be found at Matrix Pro Sims:
Combat Mission Commercial Titles present an interesting and enjoyable way to learn and experiment with a basic version of this software. They can be found on Steam, and at the Matrix Games Webstore:
For comprehensive, easy to follow, guidance on every aspect of Combat Mission, we recommend a series of YouTube videos by CM enthusiast, and Fight Club member, 'Usually Hapless':