Decision Forcing Case: Lion in the Delta - The British Empire's War in Vietnam
Sab, Ene 11
|Online via Zoom
USA Fight Club will be holding 'Decision-Forcing Case' (DFC) on 11 January from 1800-1930 EST/2300-0030 GMT on Zoom. These 90 minute DFC events have the participants “talking through” a historical situation where a leader must make a decision under time pressure and with limited information. T

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Ene 11, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM GMT-5
Online via Zoom
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New 'Decision-Forcing Case' from US Fight Club [Saturday 11 January, 18:00 EST]
USA Fight Club will be holding 'Decision-Forcing Case' (DFC) on 11 January from 1800-1930 EST/2300-0030 GMT on Zoom. These 90 minute DFC events have the participants “talking through” a historical situation where a leader must make a decision under time pressure and with limited information. The 11 January DFC will address the challenges faced by the UK in Vietnam in 1945.
They are an excellent professional training event for both experienced and novice wargamers.